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The DOSMED STUDY - rating schedules

DoSMED Study Rating Schedules

These schedules were as used in the various centres in this study. Some have ‘Score sheet’ versions, which are copies of the data from the full version, for ease of data entry. An anonymised example of each schedule is available for download.


Study Entry:

Present State Examination (PSE) + Score Sheet

Psychological Impairments Rating Schedule (PIRS) + Score Sheet

Psychiatric & Personal History Schedule + Score Sheet

Disability Assessment Schedule + Score Sheet

Record of Physical Examination

Diagnostic & Prognostic Schedule

Screening Schedule


FIrst year follow-up:

Present State Examination (PSE) + Score Sheet

Psychological Impairments Rating Schedule (PIRS)

Psychiatric & Personal HIstory Schedule + Score Sheet

Disability Assessment Schedule + Score Sheet

Diagnostic Statements

Mental State & Treatment


Second Year Follow-Up:

Present State Examination (PSE) + Score Sheet

Psychological Impairments Rating Schedule (PIRS) + Score Sheet

Psychiatric & Personal HIstory Schedule + Score Sheet

Disability Assessment Schedule + Score Sheet

Diagnostic & Prognostic Schedule

Mental State & Treatment

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